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About us

Over the last 40 years, the building trades training organisation “Bildungszentren des Baugewerbes e.V.” (BZB) has developed into a multi-facetted provider of vocational education services for the construction industry. Our services and activities range from apprenticeships, careers guidance, qualification pathways and advanced professional development courses through to international project work. The BZB is one of the largest training centres of its kind in Germany, with more than 1,350 apprentices and trainees at three principal sites in Krefeld, Wesel and Düsseldorf.

We aim to combine traditional trades with the very latest in best practice, focusing on quality and service in order to provide our students with the skills to cope with both current and future requirements. We are regarded as pioneers in our educational field, consistently embracing proven trends and innovation in our curricula.

All our efforts work towards one overriding goal:

To enhance our position as a leading training services provider for the construction industry,
progressive in approach and proactive in attitude.

Structure of BZB

Learn more about the structure and key individuals of BZB. Our organizational chart provides a detailed insight into the hierarchy and responsibilities that ensure the smooth operation of our organization.

Here you can access the view of the BZB structure.

Fields of activity and services

Explore our diverse business areas and services.

We deliver vocational training for building trade apprentices to supplement their on-site or in-house training (multi-phase training in the building trades). Applicable professions include bricklayer, concrete and reinforced concrete constructor, carpenter, plasterer, tile, slab and mosaic layer, screed layer, thermal and sound insulation operative, dry wall mason, road constructor and duct builder. We also offer vocational training for roof-laying apprentices (BZB Wesel), timber build and structure protection apprentices (BZB Krefeld), road menders and draftsmen.

The BZB Academy offers seminars and traineeships in the following fields:

  • Courses for master craftsmen and supervisors

  • Construction management and law

  • Concrete maintenance and sealing

  • Sewerage construction and repair

  • Fire protection

  • Environmental technology and occupational safety

  • Digital construction

These are further complemented by a range of international courses. Most of the seminars and training content of our advanced professional development curriculum can be provided as client-based in-house events. We also develop and prepare concepts according to client-specific training requirements, implemented as either a single seminar or a series of activities.

Talk to us and tell us what you need!


We advise jobseekers on the processes and procedures involved in finding work, directing them to prospects that could enable them to gain a foothold in the labour market. With a modular qualification pathway or alternative retraining/reskilling programmes, candidates can freshen up their knowledge or even gain new vocational qualifications. We also help people prepare for work through a number of measures, including language assistance and an introduction to the German employment system for refugees.


Potential analyses

At the BZB, we employ established potential analysis techniques to help young people to systematically manage the move into vocational education and employment. Interested school-leavers can take a number of tests to determine their strengths and attitudes. The results provide them with a practical social and personal profile which extends beyond gender-specific role expectations or stereotyping based on any single characteristic. This helps to highlight students’ true potential for entering the world of work and earning a living.

Careers advice

The BZB offers careers advice as part of the NRW state-sponsored programme “KAoA” (“Kein Abschluss ohne Anschluss” or “qualifications aligned to real job prospects”). The service is designed to provide young people with a realistic insight into various careers and give them the impetus they need, while also identifying their skills, capabilities and interests.

The BZB played a key role in educational networks through its participation in projects at the national and international level. We worked to consistently promote, improve and advance vocational training, the image of the building trades, energy-efficient construction, craft clustering, modern supervisor training, the use of BIM (Building Information Modelling), issues such as digitisation and work-based learning, and much more.

BZB Krefeld has a hall of residence with all modern conveniences and 46 beds in twin rooms. It also has a communal room and leisure area with table tennis and TV facilities, pool, a fitness suite and WiFi.

Apprentices will usually stay in the rooms from Monday to Friday. In order to reserve a room, trainees and apprentices should make contact with the hall of residence manager in good time prior to the start of their course: Contact

The BZB also offers its seminar rooms and workshops in Krefeld, Wesel and Düsseldorf for hire. In addition to presentations and lectures, you can also carry out practical demonstrations in our workshops for product and skill training purposes. Additional services include the provision of refreshments on seminar days, delegation of employees for practical demonstrations, as well as the use of tools, machinery and relevant personal protection equipment. We will also be glad to take care of any accommodation requirements and transfers from airports or railway stations.

As a result of our international experience, we are able to provide customers abroad with expert advice and support in relation to facility hire and event organisation. Talk to us – we will be glad to send you a tailored quotation.

More information: Facility hire

Our certifications are the hallmark and recognition of our daily work.

Certification to DIN EN ISO 9001 evidences BZB’s leading position as a service provider for training, qualification and professional development.


Our approval by AZAV as a vocational qualification and professional development body underlines our position as a leading education service provider. The approval requirements apply to all organisations that implement measures aligned to promoting employment in compliance with Germany’s SGB III (Social Insurance Code), either internally or through third parties.


BZB Krefeld satisfies the approval criteria specified by SOKA-BAU and DEKRA, which meets all quality requirements applicable to vocational education establishments in Germany. SOKA-BAU organises the approval auditing of around 200 vocational training establishments every two years, ensuring uniform quality standards in training across Germany.

Certificate Krefeld
Certificate Düsseldorf
Certificate Wesel

The BZB Krefeld meets the criteria for recognition as an inter-company training center according to §14 of the collective agreement on vocational training in the roofing trade. Within the scope of annual audits conducted by Zertifizierung Bau GmbH at the Wesel location, compliance with the requirements is continuously monitored.


We have the right contacts for every concern.

As part of the "Passgenaue Besetzung | Willkommenslotsen" program, we assist SMEs in the search and selection of candidates with the appropriate professional, personal, and social skills. We assess whether candidates fit the company's requirements and determine the competencies they bring. Additionally, we provide guidance to young individuals, whether school graduates or university dropouts, regarding applications and specific training positions. All services are provided free of charge.

The "Passgenaue Besetzung | Willkommenslotsen" program is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

Your contact:

BZB-Mitarbeiterin Claudia Burggraf, Beraterin Passgenaue Besetzung, Copyright: keine Angaben

Claudia Burggraf

Consultant Passgenaue Besetzung

Telephone: +49 (0) 174 1738525
E-Mail: claudia.burggraf@bzb.de

The objective of European mobility projects is to promote international vocational training pathways that enable young people to gain qualifications across the EU. These schemes are becoming ever more important for apprentices employed by small to medium-sized enterprises within the construction trade. Not only do they make a significant contribution to overcoming language barriers, they also foster commitment, entrepreneurship and conscientiousness. The BZB organises apprentice exchanges and relocation from beginning to end. Talk to us.

Your Contact:

BZB-Mitarbeiter Christoph Lanken, Berater im BoG-Netzwerk, Copyright: keine Angaben

Christoph Lanken

Consultant Berufsbildung ohne Grenzen

Telephone: +49 173 5135028
E-Mail: christoph.lanken@bzb.de

Our principles and values are not just guidelines but the foundation of our daily work. They not only represent how we operate but also shape our corporate culture and define our identity.

Our guiding principles are more than just words - they are the heart of our corporate identity. They reflect our beliefs, actions, and vision. Through clear principles, we establish guidelines that drive us and show us the way. Welcome to a world where our guiding principles are not only formulated but also lived.

We treat one another with respect.

We talk openly and immediately as problems and conflicts arise.

We regularly share our experiences and ideas.

We work together and support one another as part of one and the same team.

We act as a cohesive group and are loyal to one another.

We proactively communicate our targets and objectives to our stakeholders.

We keep our promises.

We assess common or shared projects and provide one another with constructive feedback.

In our world, values ​​take center stage. For us, they are not just principles but the foundation of our actions. Through them, we build trust and transparent communication, foster a culture of diversity, and prioritize sustainability. These values ​​drive us to achieve excellent results and bring about positive change.

We are construction...
Whether a construction apprentice or engineer, master craftsman or social worker, administration or further education, Wesel, Düsseldorf, or Krefeld - we all embody the essence of "building" in tangible ways. Construction unites us and is our calling.

We are education...
Every day, we embrace the challenge of inspiring and educating both young people and adults for careers in construction, providing them with training, qualification, and further education opportunities. We possess the necessary expertise and experience to offer our clients the best possible training and development.

We are tradition...
Since 1979, we have been shaping the history of training and further education in the construction industry with success. Our origins stem from the nonprofit idea of an association, which we continue to embody to this day.

We are innovation...
Improvement on all levels of our work is our driving force. Whether it's craftsmanship, administration, technology, or interpersonal relations, we learn every day and strive to set new standards. Our energy and ideas give us confidence and motivation for the future. We aim to maintain and expand our leading position in the education market.

We are a team...
We work in different areas and on various tasks, but we pursue common goals. Respectful interaction, collegiality, solidarity, and team spirit distinguish us. Together, we tackle challenges and celebrate successes.

We are responsibility...
We fulfill our nonprofit mission through responsible action. We care for people. Tolerance, helpfulness, openness, and fair treatment are our commitments. We set examples for the youth and the craftsmen of tomorrow.

We are enthusiasm...
We enjoy our work and interacting with each other. With versatility and creativity, we pass on the enthusiasm for our industry to the participants.

We are quality...
Ensuring the quality of our work is the responsibility of each individual employee. Reliability, cost-effectiveness, and safety are central criteria of our quality standards. We seek certification for this purpose!

We are partners...
We maintain a partnership with our customers and partners at the national and international levels. In educational networks, we work together continuously to innovate in the construction industry.

We are people...
We are all humans, and for the sake of readability and understanding, we have used the male form of professional titles or address. In all cases, the female and diverse forms are also meant simultaneously, unconditionally, and expressly. The provisions of the General Equal Treatment Act are self-evident for us. At our core, it's about people!


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